How we think we feel has a definite effect on how we actually
feel physically. If your mind tells you that you are tired,
the body mechanism, the nerves, and the muscles accept the
fact. If your mind is intensely interested, you can keep on at
an activity indefinitely. Religion functions through our
thoughts; in fact, it is a system of thought discipline. By supplying
attitudes of faith to the mind it can increase energy. It
helps you to accomplish prodigious activity by suggesting
that you have ample support and resources of power.
A friend in Connecticut, an energetic man, full of vitality
and vigor, says that he goes to church regularly to "get his
batteries recharged." His concept is sound. God is the source
of all energy in the universe-atomic energy, electrical energy,
and spiritual energy.
Contact with God establishes within us a flow of the
same type of energy that re-creates the world and that renews
springtime every year. When we are in spiritual contact with
God, the Divine energy flows through the personality, automatically
renewing the original creative act. The principles
of Christianity, scientifically utilized, can develop a continuous
flow of energy into the human mind and body.
Every great personality I have ever known who has demonstrated
the capacity for prodigious work has been a person
in tune with the Infinite. Every such person seems in harmony
with nature. They have not necessarily been pious, but
invariably they have been extraordinarily well organized
emotionally and psychologically. It is fear, resentment, the
projection of parental faults upon people when they are children,
inner conflicts and obsessions that throw off balance
the finely equated nature, thus causing undue expenditure of
natural force.
I am convinced that neither age nor circumstance needs
to deprive us of energy and vitality. All through its pages,
the Bible talks about vitality and force and life. The supreme
overall word of the Bible is life, and life means vitality-to be
filled with energy. This does not rule out pain or suffering or
difficulty, but the clear implication is that if a person practices
the creative and re-creative principles of Christianity he
can live with power and energy.
The practice of Christian principles will bring a person
into the proper tempo of living. Our energies are destroyed
because of the abnormal pace at which we go. The conservation
of energy depends upon getting your personality
speed synchronized with the rate of God's movement. God is
in you. If you are going at one rate and God at another, you
are tearing yourself apart. When we become attuned to God's
rhythm we can develop a normal tempo within ourselves and
energy flows freely.
To get into the time synchronization of Almighty God, go
out some warm day and lie down on the earth. Get your ear
close down to the ground and listen. You will hear the sound
of the wind in the trees and the murmur of insects, and you
will discover that there is in all these sounds a well-regulated
tempo. You cannot get that tempo by listening to traffic in
the city streets, for it is lost in the confusion of sound. You
can get it in church where you hear the word of God and the
great hymns. Truth vibrates to God's tempo in a church.
To avoid tiredness and to have energy, feel your way into
the essential rhythm of Almighty God and all His works. To
accomplish this, relax physically. Then conceive of your
mind as likewise relaxing. Follow this mentally by visualizing
the soul as becoming quiescent, then pray as follows:
"Dear God, You are the source of all energy. You are the
source of the energy in the sun, in the atom, in all flesh, in
the bloodstream, in the mind. I hereby draw energy from
You as from an illimitable source." Then practice believing
that you receive energy. Keep in tune with the Infinite.
To live with constant energy it is also important to get
your emotional faults corrected. You will never have full
energy until you do. Knute Rockne, one of the greatest football
coaches this country ever produced, said that a football
player cannot have sufficient energy unless his emotions are
under spiritual control. In fact, he went so far as to say that
he would not have a man on his team who did not have a
genuinely friendly feeling for every fellow player. "I have to
get the most energy out of a man," he said, "and have discovered
that it cannot be done if he hates another man. Hate
blocks his energy and he isn't up to par until he eliminates it
and develops a friendly feeling." People who lack energy are
disorganized by their deep, fundamental emotional and psychological
conflicts, such as guilt and fear. But healing is
ever possible.
The surest way not to become tired is to lose yourself in
something in which you have a profound conviction.
A famous statesman who made seven speeches in one
day was still boundless in energy.
"Why are you not tired after making seven speeches?" I
"Because," he said, "I believe absolutely in everything I
said in those speeches. I am enthusiastic about my convictions."
That's the secret. He was on fire for something. He was
pouring himself out, and you never lose energy and vitality
in so doing. You only lose energy when life becomes dull in
your mind. Your mind gets bored and therefore tired doing
nothing. You don't have to be tired. Get interested in something.
Get absolutely enthralled in something. Throw yourself
into it with abandon. Get out of yourself. Be somebody.
Do something. Don't sit around moaning about things, reading
the papers, and saying, "Why don't they do something?"
The man who is out doing something isn't tired. If you're not
getting into good causes, no wonder you're tired. You're
disintegrating. You're dying on the vine. The more you lose
yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy
you will have.
feel physically. If your mind tells you that you are tired,
the body mechanism, the nerves, and the muscles accept the
fact. If your mind is intensely interested, you can keep on at
an activity indefinitely. Religion functions through our
thoughts; in fact, it is a system of thought discipline. By supplying
attitudes of faith to the mind it can increase energy. It
helps you to accomplish prodigious activity by suggesting
that you have ample support and resources of power.
A friend in Connecticut, an energetic man, full of vitality
and vigor, says that he goes to church regularly to "get his
batteries recharged." His concept is sound. God is the source
of all energy in the universe-atomic energy, electrical energy,
and spiritual energy.
Contact with God establishes within us a flow of the
same type of energy that re-creates the world and that renews
springtime every year. When we are in spiritual contact with
God, the Divine energy flows through the personality, automatically
renewing the original creative act. The principles
of Christianity, scientifically utilized, can develop a continuous
flow of energy into the human mind and body.
Every great personality I have ever known who has demonstrated
the capacity for prodigious work has been a person
in tune with the Infinite. Every such person seems in harmony
with nature. They have not necessarily been pious, but
invariably they have been extraordinarily well organized
emotionally and psychologically. It is fear, resentment, the
projection of parental faults upon people when they are children,
inner conflicts and obsessions that throw off balance
the finely equated nature, thus causing undue expenditure of
natural force.
I am convinced that neither age nor circumstance needs
to deprive us of energy and vitality. All through its pages,
the Bible talks about vitality and force and life. The supreme
overall word of the Bible is life, and life means vitality-to be
filled with energy. This does not rule out pain or suffering or
difficulty, but the clear implication is that if a person practices
the creative and re-creative principles of Christianity he
can live with power and energy.
The practice of Christian principles will bring a person
into the proper tempo of living. Our energies are destroyed
because of the abnormal pace at which we go. The conservation
of energy depends upon getting your personality
speed synchronized with the rate of God's movement. God is
in you. If you are going at one rate and God at another, you
are tearing yourself apart. When we become attuned to God's
rhythm we can develop a normal tempo within ourselves and
energy flows freely.
To get into the time synchronization of Almighty God, go
out some warm day and lie down on the earth. Get your ear
close down to the ground and listen. You will hear the sound
of the wind in the trees and the murmur of insects, and you
will discover that there is in all these sounds a well-regulated
tempo. You cannot get that tempo by listening to traffic in
the city streets, for it is lost in the confusion of sound. You
can get it in church where you hear the word of God and the
great hymns. Truth vibrates to God's tempo in a church.
To avoid tiredness and to have energy, feel your way into
the essential rhythm of Almighty God and all His works. To
accomplish this, relax physically. Then conceive of your
mind as likewise relaxing. Follow this mentally by visualizing
the soul as becoming quiescent, then pray as follows:
"Dear God, You are the source of all energy. You are the
source of the energy in the sun, in the atom, in all flesh, in
the bloodstream, in the mind. I hereby draw energy from
You as from an illimitable source." Then practice believing
that you receive energy. Keep in tune with the Infinite.
To live with constant energy it is also important to get
your emotional faults corrected. You will never have full
energy until you do. Knute Rockne, one of the greatest football
coaches this country ever produced, said that a football
player cannot have sufficient energy unless his emotions are
under spiritual control. In fact, he went so far as to say that
he would not have a man on his team who did not have a
genuinely friendly feeling for every fellow player. "I have to
get the most energy out of a man," he said, "and have discovered
that it cannot be done if he hates another man. Hate
blocks his energy and he isn't up to par until he eliminates it
and develops a friendly feeling." People who lack energy are
disorganized by their deep, fundamental emotional and psychological
conflicts, such as guilt and fear. But healing is
ever possible.
The surest way not to become tired is to lose yourself in
something in which you have a profound conviction.
A famous statesman who made seven speeches in one
day was still boundless in energy.
"Why are you not tired after making seven speeches?" I
"Because," he said, "I believe absolutely in everything I
said in those speeches. I am enthusiastic about my convictions."
That's the secret. He was on fire for something. He was
pouring himself out, and you never lose energy and vitality
in so doing. You only lose energy when life becomes dull in
your mind. Your mind gets bored and therefore tired doing
nothing. You don't have to be tired. Get interested in something.
Get absolutely enthralled in something. Throw yourself
into it with abandon. Get out of yourself. Be somebody.
Do something. Don't sit around moaning about things, reading
the papers, and saying, "Why don't they do something?"
The man who is out doing something isn't tired. If you're not
getting into good causes, no wonder you're tired. You're
disintegrating. You're dying on the vine. The more you lose
yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy
you will have.
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