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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Don't Believe in Defeat.

There is no difficulty you cannot overcome. A wise and
philosophical man once said to me, when asked how he
overcame his difficulties, "How do I get through a trouble?
Well, first I try to go around it, and if I can't go around it, I
try to get under it, and if I can't get under it, I try to go over
it, and if I can't get over it, I just plow right through it." Then
he added, "God and I plow right through it."
An effective method for making your mind positive in
character is to eliminate certain expressions of thought and
speech, which we may call the "little negatives." These
negatives clutter up the average person's conversation, and
while each one is seemingly unimportant in itself, the total
effect is to condition the mind negatively. When this thought
of "little negatives" first occurred to me, I began to analyze
my own conversational habits and was shocked by what I
found. I was making such statements as, "I'm afraid I'll be
late," or "I wonder if I'll have a flat tire," or "I don't think I
can do that."
These are "little negatives" to be sure, and a big thought
is of course more powerful than a little one. But it must
never be forgotten that "mighty oaks from little acorns
grow," and if many "little negatives" clutter up your conversation,
they are bound to seep into your mind. It is surprising
how they accumulate in force, and before you know it, they
will grow into "big negatives." So I determined to root those
"little negatives" out of my conversation. I found that the
best way to eliminate them was deliberately to say a positive
word about everything. When you keep asserting that things
are going to work out well, good results do occur.
On a roadside billboard I saw an advertisement of a certain
brand of motor oil. The slogan read, "A clean engine
always delivers power." So will a mind free of negatives.
Therefore flush out your thoughts, give yourself a clean
mental engine, remembering that a clean mind, even as a
clean engine, always delivers power.
So to overcome your obstacles and live the "I don't believe
in defeat" philosophy, cultivate a positive-idea pattern. What
we do with obstacles is directly determined by our mental attitude.
Most of our obstacles are mental in character.
"Ah," you may object, "mine are not mental, mine are real."
Perhaps so, but your attitude toward them is mental.
What you think about your obstacles largely determines
what you do about them. Form the mental attitude that you
cannot remove an obstacle and you will not remove it. But
when your mind becomes convinced that you can do something
about difficulties, astonishing results will begin to happen.
All of a sudden you discover that you have the power
you would never acknowledge.
I played golf with a man who was not only an excellent
golfer but a philosopher as well. As we went around the golf
course the game itself drew out of him a gem of wisdom for
which I shall ever be grateful.
I hit a ball into some high grass. When we came up to my
ball I said in some dismay, "Now just look at that. I certainly
am in the rough. I have a bad lie. It is going to be tough getting
out of here."
My friend grinned and said, "Didn't I read something in
your books about positive thinking?"
Sheepishly I acknowledged that such was the case.
"I wouldn't think negatively about that lie of yours," he
said. "Do you think you could get a good hit if this ball were
lying out on the fairway on the short grass?"
I said I thought so.
"Well," he continued, "why do you think you could do
better out there than here?"
"Because," I replied, "the grass is cut short on the fairway
and the ball can get away better."
Then he did a curious thing. "Let's get down on our hands
and knees," he suggested, "and see just how this ball does lie."
So we got down on our hands and knees, and he said,
"Observe that the relative height of the ball here is about the
same as it would be on the fairway, the only difference being
that you have about six inches of grass above the ball."
Then he did an even more whimsical thing. "Notice the
quality and character of this grass," he said. He pulled off a
blade and handed it to me. "Chew it," he said.
I chewed, and he asked, "Isn't that tender?"
"Why, yes," I replied.
"Well," he continued, "an easy swing of your numberfive
iron will cut through that grass almost like a knife." And
then he gave me this sentence which I am going to remember
as long as I live, and I hope you will also.
"The rough is only mental. In other words," he continued,
"it is rough because you think it is. In your mind you have
decided that here is an obstacle which will cause you difficulty.
The power to overcome this obstacle is in your mind.
If you visualize yourself lifting the ball out of the rough, believing
you can do it, your mind will transfer flexibility,
rhythm, and power to your muscles and you will handle that
club in such a manner that the ball will rise right out of there
in a beautiful shot. All you need to do is to keep your eye on
that ball and tell yourself that you are going to lift it out of
that grass with a lovely stroke. Let the stiffness and tension
go out of you. Hit it with exhilaration and power. Remember,
the rough is only mental."
To this day I remember the thrill, the sense of power and
delight I had in the clean shot that dropped the ball to the
edge of the green.
That is a great fact to remember in connection with difficult
problems-"the rough is only mental."
Believe that Almighty God has put in you the power to
lift yourself out of the rough by keeping your eye firmly
fixed on the source of your power. Affirm to yourself that
through this power you can do anything you have to do. Believe
that this power is taking the tension out of you, that this
power is flowing through you. Believe this, and a sense of
victory will come. 

Expect the Best And Get It.

William James, the famous psychologist, said, "Our belief at
the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is
the one thing [now get that-is the one thing] that ensures the
successful outcome of your venture." When
you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your
mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to
This does not mean that by believing you are necessarily
going to get everything you want or think you want. Perhaps
that would not be good for you. When you put your trust in
God, He guides your mind so that you do not want things
that are not good for you. But it does mean that when you
learn to believe, that which has seemingly been impossible
moves into the area of the possible. Every great thing becomes
for you a possibility.
A famous trapeze artist was instructing his students how
to perform on the high trapeze bar. Finally, having given full
explanations in this skill, he told them to demonstrate their
One student, looking up at the insecure perch upon which
he must perform, was suddenly filled with fear. He froze
completely. He had a terrifying vision of himself falling to
the ground. He couldn't move a muscle, so deep was his
fright. "I can't do it!" he gasped.
The instructor put his arm around the boy's shoulder and
said, "Son, you can do it, and I will tell you how." Then he
made one of the wisest remarks I have ever heard. He said,
"Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow."
Copy that sentence. Write it on a card and put it in, your
pocket. Better still, write it on your mind, you who really
want to do something with life. It's packed with power, that
sentence. "Throw your heart over the bar and your body will
Heart is the symbol of creative activity. Fire the heart
with where you want to go and what you want to be. Get it
so deeply fixed in your subconscious that you will not take
no for an answer, then your entire personality will follow
where your heart leads. "Throw your heart over the bar"
means to throw the spiritual essence of you over the bar and
your material self will follow in the victory groove thus pioneered
by your faith-inspired mind. Expect the best, not the
worst, and you will attain your heart's desire.
Whenever you have a bar, that is to say a barrier, in front
of you, stop, close your eyes, visualize everything that is
above the bar and nothing that is below it, then imaginatively
throw your heart over that bar and see yourself as being
given lifting power to rise above it. Believe that you are experiencing
this upthrust of force. You will be amazed at the
lifting force you will receive.You can overcome any obstacle. You can achieve the
most tremendous things by faith power. And how do you
develop faith power? Saturate your mind with the great
words of the Bible. If you will spend one hour a day reading
the Bible and committing its great passages to memory, allowing
them to recondition your personality, the change in
you and in your experience will be little short of miraculous.
Read the New Testament. Select a dozen of the strong
statements about faith, and memorize each one. Say them
over and over, especially just before going to sleep. In time
they will modify your thought pattern. This process will
change you into a believer, into an expecter, and thus you
will become an achiever. You will have new power to get
what God and you decide you really want from life.
This is not some theory that I have thought up. It is taught
by the most reliable book known to man. Generation after
generation, no matter what develops in the way of knowledge
and science, the Bible is read by more people than any
other book. Humanity rightly has more confidence in it than
any other document ever written, and the Bible tells us that
faith power works wonders.
The most powerful force in human nature is the spiritualpower
technique taught in the Bible. Very astutely the Bible
emphasizes the method by which a person can make something
of himself. Belief, positive thinking, faith in God, faith
in other people, faith in yourself, faith in life. This is the essence
of the technique it teaches. ". . . If thou canst believe,"
it says, "all things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark
9:23). ". . . If ye have faith . . . nothing shall be impossible
unto you" (Matthew 17:20). ". . . According to your faith be
it unto you" (Matthew 9:29). Believe-believe-so it drives
home the truth that faith moves mountains.
A woman, compelled by adversity to go into sales work,
undertook to demonstrate vacuum cleaners from house to
house. She took a negative attitude toward herself and her
work. She "knew" she was going to fail. She feared to approach
a house even though she came for a requested demonstration.
She believed that she could not make the sale. As
a result, she failed in a high percentage of her interviews.
One day she called upon a woman who evidenced consideration
beyond the average. To this customer the saleswoman
poured out her tale of defeat and powerlessness. The
other woman listened patiently, then said quietly, "If you
expect failure, you will get failure, but if you expect to succeed,
I am sure you will succeed." And she added, "I will
give you a formula which I believe will restyle your thinking,
give you new confidence, and help you to accomplish
your goals. Repeat this formula before every call. Believe in
it and then marvel at what it will do for you. This is it. ' . . . If
God be for us, who can be against us?' (Romans 8:31). But
change it by personalizing it so that you say, 'If God be for
me, who can be against me?' God realizes that you want security
and support for your little children and yourself, and
by practicing the method I suggest you will be given power
to get what you want."
She learned to approach each house expecting to make a
sale, affirming and picturizing positive, not negative, results.
As the saleswoman employed this principle she acquired
new courage, new faith, and deeper confidence in her own
ability. Now she declares, "God helps me sell vacuum cleaners,"
and who can dispute it?
It is a well-defined and authentic principle that what the
mind profoundly expects it tends to receive. Perhaps this is
true because what you really expect is what you actually
want. Unless you really want something sufficiently to create
an atmosphere of positive factors by your dynamic desire, it
is likely to elude you. "If with all your heart"-that is the secret.
"If with all your heart," that is to say, if with the full.
complement of your personality, you reach out creatively
toward your heart's desire, your reach will not be in vain.
At least ten times every day affirm, "I expect the best and
with God's help will attain the best." In so doing your thoughts
will turn toward the best and become conditioned to its realization.
This practice will bring all of your powers to focus
upon the attainment of the best. It will bring the best to you
She learned to approach each house expecting to make a
sale, affirming and picturizing positive, not negative, results.
As the saleswoman employed this principle she acquired
new courage, new faith, and deeper confidence in her own
ability. Now she declares, "God helps me sell vacuum cleaners,"
and who can dispute it?
It is a well-defined and authentic principle that what the
mind profoundly expects it tends to receive. Perhaps this is
true because what you really expect is what you actually
want. Unless you really want something sufficiently to create
an atmosphere of positive factors by your dynamic desire, it
is likely to elude you. "If with all your heart"-that is the secret.
"If with all your heart," that is to say, if with the full.
complement of your personality, you reach out creatively
toward your heart's desire, your reach will not be in vain.
At least ten times every day affirm, "I expect the best and
with God's help will attain the best." In so doing your thoughts
will turn toward the best and become conditioned to its realization.
This practice will bring all of your powers to focus
upon the attainment of the best. It will bring the best to you.